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Not mine but really bad ass! |
The new Space Marines Codex brought back the "tactica" to the sons of the All-father. Under the notes of "Rich an Famous", Manowar, I started to write a little reflection from the view point of this Son of Russ.
"En la mayoría de los Capítulos de los Marines Espaciales, los iniciados son asignados a la Compañía de los Exploradores y hasta que hayan probado su valía como verdaderos Astartes. Esto no es así en los Exploradores Lobo, quienes sus miembros son tomados de veteranos de los Cazadores Grises. (...)" Extracto tomado del Codex de los Lobos Espaciales de 7ma.
"In most Chapters, new Space Marines are initiated into the Scout Company and only once they have proven themselves do they become fully-fledged Astartes. Not so the Wolf Scouts, who are usually taken from the seasoned ranks of the Grey Hunters. Packs of Wolf Scouts are expected to operate far in advance of their fellows, sniffing out the forces of the foe, slinking into fortified positions and picking off isolated elements of the enemy army. Such covert operations suit the Wolf Scouts perfectly, for they revel in the freedom to wage war their way – namely that of the silent hunter." Extract from Space Wolves 7ED Codex.
"In most Chapters, new Space Marines are initiated into the Scout Company and only once they have proven themselves do they become fully-fledged Astartes. Not so the Wolf Scouts, who are usually taken from the seasoned ranks of the Grey Hunters. Packs of Wolf Scouts are expected to operate far in advance of their fellows, sniffing out the forces of the foe, slinking into fortified positions and picking off isolated elements of the enemy army. Such covert operations suit the Wolf Scouts perfectly, for they revel in the freedom to wage war their way – namely that of the silent hunter." Extract from Space Wolves 7ED Codex.
Y tal descripción se ve clara en el tipo de unidad que son los exploradores lobo: Élite. Su WS 4 y BS 4 los hacían claramente superiores a los exploradores de otras compañías. Anteriormente se tenía incluso la excelente regla de "Tras las líneas enemigas".
And that description shows the kind of unit the wolves scouts are: elite unit. WS of 4 and BS of the same value made them superior to other scouts. Even on 5th we had the "Behind the enemy lines" rule.
And that description shows the kind of unit the wolves scouts are: elite unit. WS of 4 and BS of the same value made them superior to other scouts. Even on 5th we had the "Behind the enemy lines" rule.
Al principio quería usarlos con armas pesadas y que sea una unidad de impacto inicial pero la armadura se notaba y lo peor era que pues por moverse durante la infiltración, o la exploración, se usaban disparos de un horrible 6+. No lo veía entonces muy práctico. La solución: Rifles de francotiradores. El coste actual es de 70 el escuadrón de 5, agregándole rifles de francotirador y capas de camuflaje el costo se queda en 85 para ese escuadrón. Todos tienen Ld de 8, 1 sola herida y 1 ataque. Su Salvación de 4+.
At the beginning I plan to use them with heavy weapons as first impact unit but the lack of armour and rules of the heavy weapons didn't help a lot (a lot of 3+ were an "almost alive" and shots of 6+ are something very difficult) so, the answer was: sniper rifles. The cost of an squad of 5 wolf scouts is 70 points, adding sniper rifles and the cammo cloaks they reach the 85 points. Ld 8, 1 wound and 1 attack. Salvation of 4+.
At the beginning I plan to use them with heavy weapons as first impact unit but the lack of armour and rules of the heavy weapons didn't help a lot (a lot of 3+ were an "almost alive" and shots of 6+ are something very difficult) so, the answer was: sniper rifles. The cost of an squad of 5 wolf scouts is 70 points, adding sniper rifles and the cammo cloaks they reach the 85 points. Ld 8, 1 wound and 1 attack. Salvation of 4+.
Con la formación de Campeones de Fenris, la idea era básicamente dos escuadrones de francotiradores lobo con Harald, Cannis o un WGBL, y caballería lobo. ¿Porque no usaba Sacerdotes de Hierro? Para tener algo con que disparar y pegar algunos golpes certeros a máquinas, voladores o criaturas monstruosas. No he jugado mucho por lo que no puedo decir que porcentaje de éxito a tenido esto. Pero con el nuevo codex siento que están siendo un desperdicio de puntos.
With the formation of Champions of Fenris, the idea was two have two sniper wolf scouts squads for covering my thunderwolf cavalry (Harald, Canis or another WGBL). ¿Why no Iron Priests? For getting some lucky shots to transports, characters or even flying things. I haven't played a lot and maybe if I had more games on my experience this post couldn't be necessary but now I thing that scouts are too many points for their value.
Los exploradores actuales ya tienen 4 en WS y BS. Además que el coste de una escuadra con capas y rifles, teniendo un veterano (que también podría usar un rifle de francotirador) sería de: 80 puntos. Sin el veterano: 70 puntos. Si nos vamos a combinaciones, 6 scouts francotiradores serían 84 puntos. Una tropa más, mismo perfil y aún nos ahorramos 1 punto. Estadisticamente tienen más probabilidades de derrotarnos en un duelo de exploradores.
Actual scouts have now 4 for WS and BS. Also the cost of a 5 Scouts squad with cammo cloaks and rifles (including a veteran that has also a sniper rifle) would be 80 points. Without the veteran 70 points. If we go and play with combinations, we can have 6 sniper scouts with 84 points. Still less than us and basing the calculations only in stadistics, this scouts would win us.
Más barato, mejor equipados, por lo que a pesar de ser "élite", la "tropa" le derrota (estadisticamente, nuevamente porque los dioses de los dados son tan caprichosos como los del caos).
They're cheaper, better equipped and they're more. The "troop" could defeat (stadisticaly) the elite.
Ahora bien, ciertamente la idea de los lobos empleando rifles de francotirador se ve algo extraña. Los exploradores lobos abren el camino, van adelante, en lo profundo de las líneas del enemigo. Dan golpes certeros y regresan a informar. Pero como cazadores que somos el rifle de francotirador es sin duda una opción buena de casa.
If we look to context, the idea of sniper wolf scouts sounds strange, they hunt but in face-to-face combat. They cut the escaping ways and they close the claw against the enemy. but still a good hunter could be the one who uses correctly his weapons and that includes the sniper rifle.
Creo que visto de manera competitiva usar la formación que tenía en mente ya no queda tan bien. Los Lobos tenemos unidades caras claro pero tampoco se trata de desperdiciar puntos o al menos creo eso es lo que estoy aprendiendo. Hay que asegurarse que cada punto esta planeado y bien empleado.
I think that in the competitive hammer, the formation is not efficient. Sons of Russ are expensive, we usually are few against many but we need to be efficient or at least is that what I'm learning.
Si nos regresaran "Tras las líneas enemigas" sería algo interesante. Porque se podrían plantear otro tipo de estrategias. ¿Exploradores por detrás? ¿Cazadores Grises por los lados? ¿Caballería de frente? Las posibilidades serían bastante interesantes.
If they return us "Behind enemy lines" it could become more interesting. You can attack from behind with scouts, from the outflank with grey hunters and the Thunderwolf Cavalry could charge right in front of the enemy. The posibilites are very, very interesting.
2 comentarios:
The wolf scouts still are better, they can take special weapons like flamers, plasma guns, or Melta Gun's, they can also take either plasma pistols or power weapons. good to lay an ambush or to tank hunt. The power of the space wolves comes from there team work. Have a drop pod or an outflanking unit of grey hunters to back the scouts up. Everyone is using the champion's of fenris supplement cause they like that it gives wolf guard WS 5, but I like the wolves unleased formation for utilizing the space wolves love for the hunt and being able to flank the enemy and surround them. Also do be afraid to use your wolf guard pack leaders as shield bearer's to protect your squad.
Thanks for the comment! Yep, Snipers are not the real option. Better to go to hunt in the face-to-face.
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